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Spammers Fuck Off

The comment spam had become way too much stress, so I disabled comments and trackback pings sitewide. I hate doing this, but the truth is that spammers have been almost the only ones to post comments in many, many weeks. And, my MT-Blacklist plugin seems to be broken (weird error about the MySQL server having "gone away" -- which is fairly ridiculous as it clearly still works for the rest of the MT installation).
Just more signs that this blog is in dire need of some maintenance and cleanup. Then again, so is the rest of my life, not to mention the rest of Creation. More on that some other time.

Anyway, long story short, I am temporarily withdrawing from confrontation with the spambots. At least now I can say that this site doesn't serve to prop up the Google rankings of cheap viagra pushers and similar scum. Of course the goal is to restore comments and pings to their full functionality, but I don't have time to fully get into it right now, and with MT-Blacklist not functioning, the fuckers were really taking advantage of me full blast.

I am considering several options to fix this issue and at the same time revamp the Corridor a bit. For instance, upgrading to the latest version of Movable Type would allow me (almost certainly) to keep the custom design with little or no effort, but frankly I'd rather switch to some truly Free software. I've tried and liked Drupal recently, so that might be another possibility.
If you know how to get in touch with me, feel free to send suggestions and ideas. Till soon,
