A few days ago, my friend Kyron sent me this link. I clicked on it, listened to it and then � as one might � I asked what it was. He explained it to me as follows.
'It's a totally random radio generated by multiple random based generative and/or algorithmic music programs... in other words the radio itself is a program that randomly has access to all these other programs. When the radio "calls" them the other programs start to generate music. The music you hear is being created AS YOU HEAR IT. So it won't ever happen again and it has never happened before. Here's some more info about it:June 23, 2004
Movin' with rand()%
Every night, I dream of a vast machine. It eternally shuffles quantum states; it churns all the integers of a complex equilibrium. It's sound that is at the same time landscape; pure extension and span. This condition has persisted for weeks, and I blame it on artists Tom Betts and Joe Gilmore, whose rand()% project seems to have commandeered my RealOne Player. Commissioned by Huddersfield England's Media Centre Network, this internet radio station devotes itself entirely to generative and algorithmically mediated music. Every program rand()% plays is composed afresh in real time; in essence, it's a soundbot. With talents like Itialian digital artist Lia and late German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen in the mix, I'm finding it very hard to sleep. - Lewis LaCookMain Link:
Enjoy the randomity while it lasts...
Posted by: chloe | July 8, 2004 11:15 AM