Domain Name Anarchy
Last year's Hackmeeting, Italy's main hacker convention, brings us this attempt to establish an independent, grassroots DNS network:
'The goal of DNA project is the creation of a parallel network of authoritative name server for some Top Level Domains freely grass root created.Click here for the whole story. The language is Italian by default, but if you enable cookies in your browser and click here before browsing the site, you'll be able to view most of its contents in English. Found on, Italian magazine of 'Hacktivism, e-Music and New Media Art' (link goes to English version).
Internet growth extinguished (at least statistically speaking) the hacker feeling which charcterized the Net for over twenty years, creating a population of telematic sheeps, which pretend they can control their communicative power because they can post three messages a day on their favourite forum. Reality is that the Net is no more in its majority in the hands of its very users.
The best expression of Net self-organization (one of its main fundamental concepts) is limited to small, isolated manifestations of individual opinions, when, some years ago, organization, topology and services were promoted, proposed and developed by the same folks who deeply knew the Net. And that's not the whole story...'